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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

License Tag Search – How to Conduct Reverse License Tag Number Lookups?

Have you ever had a suspicious car that parked on your street that you wanted to trace the license plate on to see who it belonged to? Or maybe you have a new employee starting to work for you and you need to trace his or her license tag number as part of a driving records background check. No matter the reason, there are many people who want to conduct reverse license tag searches everyday.

Before you get started, you should know that there is no free reverse license tag search or lookup database available online or offline. About the only way you can get license tags searched for free is to have a police officer do it for you. Unless you have a good reason or a personal relationship, that's not likely to happen.

There are, however, other ways that you can accomplish your goal of getting owner information from a license tag number. You can contact a private investigator, pay for a search online with a public records database or hire an online firm to conduct your search. Those are about the only options.

License tag numbers are protected information under the Driver's Privacy Protection Act (or DPPA for short). Under this guideline, you can only order a license tag search if you meet certain search exceptions to the rule. For a complete listing of the exceptions to the DPPA, simply visit

In summary, if you need to conduct a reverse license tag search, you will need to have a valid DPPA approved reason to do so. If you do meet this exception, you can either:

  • Hire a licensed private investigator to conduct your license tag owner search
  • Pay an online firm to conduct the search for you.
  • Conduct your own search using public record database membership services
  • Request a law enforcement agent do the search for you.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Windows XP Repair- Tweaks for WinXP 1

LuvComputers PC Repair Tweak No.1

There are a few little things that you can do with your Windows XP installation that will improve it's performance. These include speeding up the boot time, shutdown time, and just overall general session experience.

Now a couple of these are straight forward, these Windows XP tweaks can be performed by most users, with a bit of experience. Some of the other's involve getting into the registry to make a few changes. If you don't know what a registry is, and the general outline and purpose of it, then I don't recommend that you go in there at all. Making a mistake inside the registry, in the wrong area or changing the wrong value, can have catastrophic repercussions on your operating system. So please, remember I said, "If you don't know what a registry is, it's purpose etc., DON"T GO IN THERE!!" There is my warning, I'm no longer responsible!! If perhaps you would still like to have a faster machine, and you are feeling uncomfortable with your saviness, ooh that's a cool word, saviness! I mean your not feeling as computer savvy as maybe you would like, then find somebody that does have a lot more experience with computers, and might be comfortable with places such as the registry. Here we go!

Windows XP Repair-Tweak No.1 1. To start off with, were going to start right from the desktop, no programs open. First we want to get into the properties of My Computer.

Click Start, and find the My Computer Icon in the menu. To get into the properties of My Computer, simply right click the icon, then choose properties, from the drop down menu.

In the properties box you will see a series of tabs. These are General , Computer Name, Hardware etc. The tab that were interested in here is the Advanced tab.

Open up the advanced tab. Incidentally, you will have to have administrative privileges on the computer that you are working on to make most of these changes. With that said, and with the Advanced tab opened up you will see three main categories in which you can access.

These are Performance, User Profiles and Startup and Recovery.

In the Performance area, click settings. In here we are just going to make a couple of changes.

As you can see there are four bullet points:

Let Windows choose what's best for my computer??

Adjust for best appearance

Adjust for best performance


Normally, in here I will choose Custom, and deselect everything in the list of graphic features, except for the very last two.

Use dropdown shadows for icon labels on desktop

Use visual styles on windows and buttons

Leaving the last two of these options checked still gives you a visually nice desktop, and you can still see visual styles on your windows and buttons.

Once you have made these changes go to the bottom of the Visual Effects tab and click Apply.

As for all of the one's that were left unchecked, most of these will use up memory because of the graphic nature of them, but for most users, if you didn't know what they did, you wouldn't miss them anyway. But having them unchecked will speed up your overall system performance by a smidge.

Alright, so that's the first part of Windows XP Repair-Tweak No.1.

For the next part, while we are in the properties of My Computer, on the Advanced tab, let's look down towards the bottom, and you will see the button Error Reporting.

Click Error Reporting and get into the window that opens up and disable error reporting by putting a check mark in the Disable Error Reporting box.

Error reporting is much the same as, "Your computer has performed an illegal action", from back in the Windows 98 days. Basically, your computer did something that your operating system didn't understand. Only now, Microsoft wanted you to report it to them. Frankly I don't see the point and also, this is mostly annoying more than anything, so go ahead and disable it, trust me, your not missing anything.

Thanks for now, please find part 2 in the database under my name:

Davin Ogden

LuvComputer's PC Repair

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Viruses & Worms Hackers

Hackers have become very good at writing computer viruses and worms and have caused literally billions of dollars in damage. You have probably heard about the more damaging viruses on the news. And there is a good chance that you have been infected with a virus or worm yourself, or you know someone who has. You may not even know you have been infected in most cases if you do not have the right anti-virus protection.

Viruses in the past have been more of an expensive nuisance than anything, infecting millions of computers with no real purpose. Viruses of the past caused performance problems on computers, possibly even shutting them down, forcing victims to have a professional remove the virus or reformat the computer. But the resulting damages has been staggering.

* There are over 500 new viruses and worms released on the Internet each month and

* At least 82% of current anti-virus users have been recently infected with a virus.

* There is less than 33% of those using anti-virus are working from a current anti-virus database.

*The New, fast moving viruses and worms can infect hundreds of thousands of computers in a matter of a few hours.

* It can take many hours, even days, for security firms to create an anti-virus signature to defend against new viruses. Everyone is very susceptible to infection during that time.

* You can be infected through emails, instant messenger, downloads and by simply surfing the web.

Viruses are not going to go away by any stretch of the imagination and neither will those who create viruses. There is truly no absolute 100% method to keep out viruses but we can take certain preventative measures to guard ourselves against hackers.

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